![]() I have been crying. I am heart-broken to see this amazing country, the “United” States of America, so divided. More than an election, what was really lost was amazing evolutionary potential: the possibility of moving in a life-affirming, loving direction. The political system is complex and dysfunctional in too many ways, just like so many other social institutions including healthcare and education. Movement in the right direction is possible, even if it is two steps forward and one step back. The real political transformation will not come from the White House but from the people. I pray that this election helps us get closer to the realization that we are the ones who have to do the groundwork to heal ourselves and reconnect as diverse fellow citizens focused on our common good and shared future. What will it take for us to really understand, deeply in our bones, that we are not separated? That even though we think and look different, we share the water, the air, and the earth. That we belong to the same human family. We are interconnected and depend on each other to live. We are interconnected and depend on nature to thrive. The horror we witnessed during the months of the presidential campaign and the terror we now face after the outcome of the election is a wake-up call. Yes, time to wake up! I am with HER: The archetypal feminine who is present, distributed and finally activated in many of us, both women and men. The feminine in its full glory, capacity, diversity, and benevolence. The half of humanity that has been repressed, oppressed, abused, and ignored but that is finally ready to rise as equal partner, ready to participate and contribute a unique and much needed perspective that can help us become whole. I'm with HER. Mother Earth, who nourishes all, rich and poor, no matter our creed, no matter our skin. She knows about wholeness, about cycles and seasons. She knows about creation and regeneration. I'm with HER. Virgin, mother, crone. Ancestor and descendant. Young and old. Always beautiful, always graceful, always ready to love. I'm with HER. She cares for women and children. She cares for the environment and all living beings. She cares for the poor, the sick, the marginalized. She cares for other cultures and other nations. She can embrace it all, accept it all, love it all. I'm with HER. The teacher, the nurse, the nun. The housewife, the maid, the lawyer and entrepreneur. The single mother, the battered wife, the trafficked girl, raped youth. I'm with HER. Because she is my grandmother, my mother, my daughter and sister. She is my teacher, my student, my friend and collaborator. I'm with HER. She is dark, she is loud, she is frisky, she is risky. She is creative, she is expressive, she is relational, she is emotional. And she is not afraid or apologetic of her intensity. I'm with HER. Straight, lesbian, bisexual and transgender. In high heels or sneakers. In skirt or pantsuit. With makeup or not. With short hair or long. I'm with HER. She is ready to lead, committed to serve — families, schools, corporations and nations. She wants success, recognition, freedom and equality. Not only for herself, but for humanity. I'm with HER. This is her moment because she was forgotten. And she deserves to be accepted and protected, honored and respected. Now there are millions of voices inviting her to own her power and respond to her calling. To be warrior, dreamer, weaver, and healer. I'm with HER. Because she is inside me. She is kindness and power. Embodied knowing, intuition, life-giving feminine wisdom. There is no one individual, who embodies all the leadership and human attributes required for the challenges we face. There are no superheroes. To point fingers is futile. It is in our togetherness, in our unity in diversity, in our full embrace of the archetypal feminine, that we can activate the collective wisdom and the extraordinary capacity to heal and transform our society. I'm with YOU. #imwithher #imwithyou
AuthorKathia Castro Laszlo, Ph.D. ArchivesCategories