Listening to nature has become one of my spiritual practices and animals are great messengers. I first got introduced to animal medicine from a Native American perspective by a friend who recommended the Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams and David Carson. Many cultures use animal medicine to support decision making or to make meaning of experiences. Animals are carriers of different energies and when they show up in our lives we have the opportunity to "listen" to their message and reflect.
Here are some of my favorites - and if you are in this page, chances are you got some medicine through me.
Here are some of my favorites - and if you are in this page, chances are you got some medicine through me.
Photo credits (
"Brown Bear In The Rain" by Hal Brindley
"The Butterfly And Red Flower" by Detanan
"Sika Deer Fawn" by Anankkml
"Dragonfly" by Gualberto107
"Bald Eagle" by Jeff Ratcliff
"Rufous Hummer At Plum Blossom" by Rosemary Ratcliff
"Jaguar Resting On Timber" by Anankkml
"Fierce Focus" by Rosemary Ratcliff
"Long-neck Turtles" by Kai4107
"Humpback Whale Tail" by Richard Hedrick
"Brown Bear In The Rain" by Hal Brindley
"The Butterfly And Red Flower" by Detanan
"Sika Deer Fawn" by Anankkml
"Dragonfly" by Gualberto107
"Bald Eagle" by Jeff Ratcliff
"Rufous Hummer At Plum Blossom" by Rosemary Ratcliff
"Jaguar Resting On Timber" by Anankkml
"Fierce Focus" by Rosemary Ratcliff
"Long-neck Turtles" by Kai4107
"Humpback Whale Tail" by Richard Hedrick